Sunday, January 17, 2010

How would you like a wife who would dance to your tunes quite literally and still wouldn't complain? Well---- rather possible in the future.

Mr. David Levy, winner of the 2009 Loebner Prize for artificial intelligence states that humans will be marrying
robots within the next 50 years or so. He says that people will have fewer problems with robots as advanced intelligence stimulations will enable people to carry on long term relationships with artificial companions.

Sounds Good? Well, let us take up the case for a critical and scientific analysis.


You will not have a mother in law to start with, unless the manufacturer happens to be a woman. But still you would have an option to change the after- sales service contract.

The robot wife will not ask you for costly jewellery and the money saved would endow you with more holiday packages. And even then, you do not have to take your wife along!

The wife will never complain about your late comings or nights out. You can freak out all night at will and still get away with it. No black- eye, no bumps or hostile responses and turmoil.

You never need to confess your relationships even if that amounts to carrying on with another robot. Just remove the data from the hard disk
and you will be safe again.

Absolutely no need to hide your wife from your neighbor as he cannot access it. Remember you will have a password to activate it. Don’t get disheartened, you can always hack and find the password of the neighbor’s robot. A software for hacking would be up in the market by then and the cost wouldn't be as whopping as the robot.

You can also customize and program the robot with some traits that would make you feel at home and humane, like stopping at a mirror and peeping into it, getting the facial done every week, hair fall treatment and grooming, pedicure etc.

A word of caution: I won’t be surprised if some hackers would come up with some dreadful viruses that can damage the normal functioning, such as nagging virus, scandalizing virus, abusing virus, bashing virus and so on. ‘Advance Mind Barrier Virus Detect System’ should be installed immediately to counter these viruses.

There won’t be any cost worth mentioning and the only thing you need to check is that it is charged up everyday, I mean charged everyday. Sounds great? Well hold on. That was the good news!

And now for the bad! The researchers are also planning a hubby- robot for the wives.

Pssssssssst----- Personally I think, 'There's no
substitute for REAL wives'!

What say guys?